Educational Use of OTS Software

XProps®, CoilDesigner®, and VapCyc® for Students and Faculty


  • Use XProps® to call refrigerant properties quickly and efficiently when conducting thermodynamic calculations in Microsoft Excel®, Matlab®, or Engineering Equation Solver (EES).
  • Use CoilDesigner® to design air-to-refrigerant or tube-in-tube heat exchangers in advanced courses in mechanical engineering
  • Use VapCyc® to design full HVAC&R systems or conduct refrigerant analyses and comparisons in advanced courses in mechanical engineering


  • Use XProps® to call refrigerant properties faster when needed for laboratory testing by incorporating in LabView®
  • Use CoilDesigner® and VapCyc® as part of your curriculum for thermodynamics, fluids, heat transfer, and HVAC&R system design graduate or undergraduate courses.
  • Use CoilDesigner® and VapCyc® for targeted research efforts focusing on heat exchanger design, HVAC&R system design, refrigerant analysis, and other novel ideas.

Reduced pricing is available for all academic use of OTS Software. Contact us for a quote today.